24 Jun 2024

Where We Are Now (in the End-Times)

We are in a critical season—a Great Revival for the Harvest of Souls. God has opened a spiritual window for salvation, and many souls hang in the balance. Let us be diligent, faithful, and committed to this divine mission. The night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4). Would you like to be part of this end-time army—a witness for Him and a tool of salvation to a lost generation? Learn More.

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Bro Victor


Second Coming

Opportunities present themselves to everyone, but to achieve the best results, individuals must discern the season of that opportunity and take necessary actions. The scripture tells us of a certain group of Israelites during the time of King David who understood God’s timing and were therefore able to inform Israel on what to do in that season. God has revealed to me that we are in a new season, which the Church must take advantage of because this opportunity will never come again.

Before I discuss the current season of the Church and what it should be doing, let me first take you through a series of dreams the Lord gave me over 15 years.

The first dream I had concerning this season was about 10 or more years ago. In the dream, I saw some Christians standing in the middle of a powerful move of the Holy Spirit depicted by a fast-moving whirlwind. However, they were all sleeping while standing amid this move of God. This dream symbolized the state of the Church at a time when God was about to begin a great revival. It meant that the Church was not prepared for the move of God at that time. Since then, God has been attempting to bring about this great revival, but the carnal state of the Church has hindered it. God works through people on this earth, so when the Church was not ready, God’s plan for the Church was delayed. There have been pockets of revival that surfaced since I had this dream, but they eventually died out due to a lack of preparation and understanding of what God was doing.

Today, we see a greater pocket of revival around the world, which is just the beginning and not close to the expected peak. The Church will know it has reached the peak when Isaiah 60:1-3 unfolds within the Church. This passage describes a time when the light of the Church will attract the attention of the world:

The best time for light to shine brighter is in the dark. While the world faces dark times—wars, rumors of wars, famine, pestilence, and natural disasters from climate change—the Lord revealed to me that even darker times lie ahead. However, before this time fully manifests, God wants to bring a great revival to the earth. The Church needs to be prepared to be that light, attracting many to salvation.

In any revival, two things characterize it: the move of the Holy Spirit with miracles and signs, and the salvation and repentance of people from sin toward holiness. The last great revival the Church experienced was during the Azusa Revival of April 9, 1906, which continued until roughly 1915. Now, about 100 years later, God wants to bring a revival greater than any other—a revival we can term the Last Great Revival. Many prophets have prophesied about this revival for decades, and now the time has come.

In another dream, around 2018, God showed me how the devil was recruiting people for a last-day spiritual and physical battle during these end-times. As a result, we witness increased persecution of the Church, as already happening in many parts of the world.

For instance, Western countries in Africa are being infiltrated by Islamic militants who destroy churches and kill thousands of Christians as they seize territory. These militants actively recruit more individuals from their victims. Their ultimate goal is to eradicate Christianity and establish a Caliphate.

In November 2022, the Lord revealed to me that He is withdrawing His grace, allowing significant end-time events to unfold rapidly on Earth. His judgment begins with individuals, institutions, and nations, starting within the Church (1 Peter 4:17-18). Scripture teaches that judgment serves to establish God’s will. Unfortunately, some Church leaders have disappointed and even hindered the move of the Holy Spirit, even during this last great revival. God’s judgment ensures that anything obstructing this Last Great Revival is removed.

As we enter 2024, there will still be turmoil and trouble in various parts of the world. However, God’s great revival continues to unfold.

Remember, we are in a critical season—a Great Revival for the Harvest of Souls. God has opened a spiritual window for salvation, and many souls hang in the balance. Let us be diligent, faithful, and committed to this divine mission. The night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4).
Would you like to be part of this end-time army—a witness for Him and a tool of salvation to a lost generation?

What to Do Now
Now there are essential steps people must take to be prepared for this season:

1. Get Born Again and Sanctified: (Romans 13:12, 2 Timothy 2:19-21).
2. Use Every Opportunity: (Mark 16:15-18, 2 Timothy 4:2-5).
3. Innovate in Spreading the Gospel: (Acts 17:16-17).
4. Pray for Laborers in the Field: (Matthew 9:37-38).
5. Intercede for the Salvation of Souls: (Ephesians 6:18).
6. Pray for Peace in Your City: (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
7. Be Steadfast Until the End: (Matthew 24:14).

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